This sequential inflation
causes the heart to fill more easily and fully than
normal, and also gently stretches your coronary vessels.
This stretching or
ballooning causes the release of Nitric Oxide within the
vessel walls. This nitric oxide rich environment
stimulates the release of growth factors within the vessel
walls that in turn stimulates the growth of new collateral
During systole, when your
heart begins to pump, the cuffs rapidly and simultaneously
deflate, creating a "vacuum effect" in the aorta.
This vacuum allows the
heart to pump into a lower pressure system, which
increases systolic unloading. All that means is that your
heart does more work with less effort while you are
receiving EECP© treatment.

The new collateral
vessels you grow around your heart during your EECP®
treatments re-supply the ischemic or blood-deficient areas
of the heart. So rather than surgically grafting a vessel
from your leg onto your heart to bypass the blockages you
may have, as is done with bypass surgery, EECP®
utilizes the natural healing mechanisms of the heart to grow
these new bypasses...Naturally and non-surgically!
The Treatment
EECP® treatments
last one hour per day, five days a week for seven weeks,
for a total of 35 hours.
During treatment the
patient lies comfortably on a treatment bed while the
pressure cuffs inflate and deflate rhythmically with the
patient's own heartbeat.
Throughout the session most
patients listen to music, watch a movie, or even doze. You
may bring in your own VHS movies or CDs, or feel free to
bring a family member to keep you company