What is Chelation Therapy?

Chelation Therapy is a safe, effective and relatively inexpensive treatment to restore blood flow in victims of atherosclerosis without surgery.

Chelation Therapy involves the intravenous infusion of a prescription medicine called Ethylene Diamine Tetra-Acetic Acid (EDTA), plus vitamins and minerals at therapeutic dosages.

EDTA chelation infusions are administered by slow drip, circulating through the blood stream treating the entire arterial system removing undesirable metals from the body. Some metals such as lead, mercury cadmium and iron are poisons. Lead and cadmium levels correlate with high blood pressure.




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Overload ofiron can cause heart attacks. All metals, even essential nutritional elemenst, are toxic in excess or when abnormally situated. EDTA normalizes the distribution of most metallicelements in the body.

EDTA improves calcium and cholesterol metabolism by eliminating metallic catalysts which cause damage to cell membranes by producing 'OXYGEN FREE RADICALS'. Free radical pathology is now believed by many scientists to be an important contributing cause of atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes and other diseases of ageing.
EDTA helps prevent the production of harmful 'Free Radicals' through elimination. Arterial disease is responsible for strokes, heart attacks, poor circulation and memory loss.

How Does Artery Disease Affect Health?

Blockage of blood vessels by plaque (atheroma) reduces the flow of blood, starving vital organs of oxygen and other nutrients. Cell walls then become leaky, allowing excessive calcium, sodium and other elements to enter. When calcium accumulates to a critical point, deposits form, like concrete. These calcifications can often be seen on X-ray. Disordered calcium metabolism can also cause coronaries and other arteries to go into spasm, further reducing blood to vital organs.

Can They Be Avoided?

If diagnostic evaluation reveals the formation of calcified deposits, if they are in uneven clumps, the risk of heart attack or stroke is considerable. If they are laid smoothly along the arterial walls, the risk is much less.

Chelation treatments reduce the risk dramatically.

What Is The Effect Of These Deposits?

When the flow of blood is interrupted by a calcified deposit it becomes turbulent and under pressure. If part of the deposit breaks away, it is carried at speed in this fast moving blood and may block one of the smaller blood vessels supplied to the artery completely or partially. This causes a stroke if the artery is feeding the brain, or a heart attack if a coronary artery of the heart muscle is involved, or gangerene and amputation if the leg arteries become blocked.

What Causes Loss Of Memory And Other Signs Of Ageing?

It is usually accepted that loss of memory is an inevitable part of the ageing process along with diziness, loss of concentration and defective hearing.

All these conditions are caused by the build up of calcium deposits on the artery walls, often called 'hardening of the arteries'. This results in the deterioration of tissues which are not able to absorb sufficient nutrients and oxygen. If the calcium deposits are laid down smoothly and evenly, the ageing process is gradual. The clumping of deposits results in sudden ageing.

When arteries or capillaries to the heart muscle or to the legs are affected, the cramping pains of angina and intermittent claudication are experienced. These are the reult of the muscles being starved of oxygen, and will gradually worsen. Muscle spasm can close a narrowed artery completely.

How Does Chelation Therapy Affect Health?

Chelation therapy promtes health by correcting the major underlying cause of arterial blockage. Damaging oxygen free radicals are increased by the presence of mettalic elements and act as a chronic irritant to blood vessel walls and cell membranes. EDTA removes those metallic irritants, allowing leaky and damaged cell walls to heal. Plaques smooth over and shrink, allowing more blood to pass. Arerial walls become softer and more pliable, allowing easier expansion. Scientific studies have proven that blood flow increases after chelation therapy. A complete programme of chelation therapy involves a broad-based care programme of regular excersise, proper nutrition, vitamin and mineral supplementation and avoidance of tobacco and other damaging habits.

What Are The Interactions Between Chelation Therapy And Other Treatments For Artery Disease?

Chelation therapy can be utilized in conjunction with most other therapies for cardiovascular disease. EDTA is compatible with blood thinners, blood vessel dilators, medicines for blood pressure and heart arrhythmias, calcium blockers and beta blockers. The need for drugs is often reduced of eliminated after a course of chelation therapy.

What Can Be Done To Prevent Heart Attacks, Angina, Strokes, Claudication (Poor Leg Circulation) And The Ageing Process

Clearly, if many of these problems are caused by calcified deposits in the areries, eliminating the offending material will dramatically reduce the risk of sudden illness and delay and prolong the ageing processes.

This is what chelation does, chelation therapy is especially effective in diabetic conditions.

Who Is At Risk?

1 in 4 Men Over Forty - 1 in 5 Women Over Fifty
Anyone with circulatory problems, or has suffered a stroke or hear attack, or people with a family history of cardiovascular diseases, and those who are becoming aware that they are able to do less as they grow older.

What Can Be Done?

The first step is to have a medical diagnostic evaluation to reveal existing or potential problems or risk factors.

Traditional treatment for high blood pressure, or poor blood supply to the brain, heart or legs, is medication and localised surgery if the arteries are accessible and the patients condition permits. Unfortunately this is rarely successful long-term.

For more than twenty-five years in the USA chelation treatment has proved extremely successful in controlling these problems, and it has been available in the UK since 1985. In conjunction with control of diet, blood pressure, blood fats and stress, chelation dramatically improves the state of the arteries.

Can I Help Myself?

Yes, if you are at risk you can minimize the problem by:

  • Stop Smoking
  • Limit your alcohol intake
  • Balanced nutritional diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Reduce Stress
  • Regular health checks
  • Take note of your risk factors

Can Chelation Be Used As A Preventative?

Yes. Chelation can be, and is used extensively as a preventative treatment, addressing 'free radical' damage and therby minimising the risk of cardiovascular problems in the future, especially for those with high risk factors, such as past history of smoking, drug or drink abuse, cholesterol and other hereditary indicators.

What About Safety And Side Effects?

Chelation therapy is among the safest of medical procedures. More than 400,000 patients have received over four million treatments during the past 30 years. Not one death has been directly caused by chelation therapy, when properly administered by a physician who was fully trained and competent in the use of this therapy.

How Do I Know If I Need Or Can Benefit From Chelation Therapy?

If you have chest pain or leg pain on walking, shortness of breath, painful, discoloured feet, transient loss of vision, paralysis, or rapidly failing memory, see a physician! Any unexplained or persistent symptoms which affect your heart, head of limbs should be assessed for possible circulatory blockage.

How Will I Be Able To Tell If Chelation Therapy Has Helped Me?

Patients routinely report reduction or elimination of their symptoms with an increasing sense of well being after chelation therapy. Family and friends are often the first to notice and report improvement in appearance, behavior and performance. Comparison of pre- and post- therapy diagnostic tests can provide objective evidence of effectiveness.

How Many Infusions Are Needed?

Each patient if different and it is only after a medical evaluation that an individual can be advised on the likely length of treatment. However historically 20-30 infusions achieve significant improvement. The level of improvement is depdent upon the individual patient, the severity of the conditions and the strength of each infusion, which is tailored to each patient.

Can Chelation Therapy Be Used After Bypass Surgery?

Yes! Although chelation therapy is best utilized to avoid bypass surgery, many patients who have previously undergone one or more bypass procedures, often with little or no benefit, have subsequently benefitted greatly from chelation therapy. Treatment for each patient must be individualized. If all else fails, including chelation therapy, bypass remains available as a last resort.

How Is Progress Monitored?

Our doctors monitor patients regularly, carrying out further tests and monitoring progress from the priginal diagnostic tests.

Because drugs for blood pressure need to be reduced as chelation produces the desired effects, our doctors like to establish contact with the physician who has prescribed the drugs and discuss progress.

Do Medical Insurance Companies Pay For Chelation Therapy?

Most medical insurance companies, including BUPA and P.P.P., have been financially depleted by paying for so many expensive surgeries. Segments of the health care industry which profit greatly from surgical procedures are politically powerful. Physicians who review claims for medical insurance companies oftern favor the extremely expensive and risky procedure, such as bypass surgery, shile refusing payment for equally beneficial, far less expensive and immeasurably safer chelation therapy. While insurance policies do not specifically exclude chelation therapy in their policies, patients in the USA have often had to resort to the courts in order to collect their insurance benefits. This has not happened in the UK as yet.

Is Chelation Therapy Available On The NHS?

The answer is YES for Thalassemia and Heavy Metal Poisoning and possibly for arterial disease.
It is dependant upon where you live.

If your GP refers you to us by writing, clearly stating "NHS Referral", requesting that we see you as an NHS patient under the ECR scheme (Extra Contractual Referral).

We would then approach your Health Authority on your behalf. However it is not certain the Health Authority would approve, and in many cases it has involved long delays even if successful.

The decision is the Health Authority's and not all accept the international evidence that Chelation can work.

The Department of Health whilst supporting the programme of a UK clinical study prefer to await the results before reaching a final conclusion.

You can still choose to attend privately.

The reader is advised that varying and even conflicting views are held by other segments of the medical profession. The information presented in this literature is educational in nature and is not intended as a basis for diagnosis or treatment.

This information represents the current opinion of independent physician consultants to ACAM ( American College for the Advancement in Medicine) at the time of publication.

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